Gustavo Scanferla, Developer in 里约热内卢-巴西里约热内卢州
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Gustavo Scanferla

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Toptal Member Since
April 3, 2015

Gustavo is a startup founder and Ruby on Rails expert with over 17 years of experience building and scaling Rails apps. He single-handedly created a video collaboration service used in more than 110 countries—years before Zoom or Google Hangouts existed.


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Amazon Cognito, Docker, Sidekiq, Redis, Rollbar
Ruby on Rails API, Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails API





Git, Sublime Text, OS X

The most amazing...

...我发起的项目是Pligus, 这是一种类似于谷歌Hangouts的视频协作服务, 比谷歌早很多年. 从头到尾都是我做的.

Work Experience

Ruby on Rails工程师

2022 - 2023
  • Spearheaded the development of a novel authorization and authentication layer for the vendor portal, 利用Amazon Cognito的功能.
  • Executed a comprehensive refactoring of the entire vendor portal to accommodate multi-user access to a single account, capitalizing on the functionalities of the newly implemented authentication layer.
  • Contributed to the integration and synchronization of data across various services utilizing Kafka. Additionally, designed and implemented background jobs to ensure seamless interaction between diverse APIs.
  • 帮助创建报告生成机制, leveraging background jobs to ensure efficient and reliable data processing.
  • Modernized API endpoints by refactoring them into a new version tailored to support the updated front end.
  • Contributed significantly to the execution of critical data migration processes, 确保完整性和零停机时间.
  • Played a key role in transforming the monolithic architecture of the main application into a more efficient and scalable microservices model.
  • 积极参与Kafka消费者的开发和管理, 专门设计用于处理关键任务数据流.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), Amazon Cognito, Docker, Sidekiq, Redis, Rollbar

Ruby on Rails工程师

2021 - 2021
  • Engaged as a Ruby on Rails工程师, integrating Spin with other services.
  • 与移动服务团队合作, integrating Spin with other systems through MDS (Mobility Data Specification) and other partner APIs.
  • Conducted work on the "Payments" team on payments reporting integration between different systems, code refactoring, 以及与安全相关的集成.
技术:Ruby on Rails API, Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails开发者

2020 - 2021
  • Developed a Ruby on Rails API for a time-sensitive project that provided a truck queue management system for plants or the supplier of materials. 按时完成项目.
  • Built a mobile app system where truck drivers can know the estimated wait times at participating plants near them and check-in to save their place in the line.
  • Constructed a management system where plant managers could set queue priorities, 更新卡车状态, 通过短信向卡车司机发送状态更新, 并提供用户角色管理和工厂设置功能.
技术:Ruby on Rails API

Back-end Engineer

2020 - 2020
  • 处理定制Solidus以适应Casper的大规模需求.
  • 拥有直接影响生产销售的漏洞修复过程.
  • 创建销售团队使用的测试工具.
  • Developed new features for their logistics and inventory management solution.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Solidus

Ruby on Rails开发者

2019 - 2019
  • 修复了可能被恶意用户利用的漏洞. Rails security.
  • 开发架构团队,设计改进我们的代码库.
  • 处理代码重构和依赖项升级.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Ruby on Rails开发者

2018 - 2019
Linux Academy
  • 开发和维护了一些Ruby on Rails微服务, 包括支付/订阅集成, file management, 以及通知系统(Apple), Android, and email).
技术:RSpec, Ruby on Rails API


2015 - 2016
Meta Search
  • 构建公司的浏览器(Angular)和移动应用(Ionic).
  • 还构建了自定义UI/UX.
技术:Ionic、AngularJS、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Ruby、Angular

Ruby on Rails开发者

2015 - 2015
  • Customized and created plugins for the company's Discourse implementation.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby

Ruby on Rails和Ionic Developer

2015 - 2015
  • Worked as the main Ruby on Rails developer and only Ionic developer for their MVP. Nugg is now California's largest cannabis marketplace, according to Business Insider.
技术:Ionic, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby


2014 - 2015
  • Founded Tidro.
  • 创建了一个提取截止日期的系统, task members (owner, observer, worker) and replies just from email content using a customized natural language processor.
  • Developed a service that automatically created and organized multiple projects (and tasks within those projects) just from email content as well.
  • 创建了一种机制,可以将任务标记为完成, change due dates, 取消订阅提醒, 等等,从你的电子邮件信息本身, with a single click. 不需要任何插件或附加组件.
  • Developed a processing system where you just had to include Tidro’s dynamic email address (e.g., anyawesomeproject@tidro.. com)和Tidro会做上面描述的所有事情.
  • 处理NLP,后台工作,邮件发送和短信发送.
技术:SMS, Email, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby


2013 - 2015
  • 帮助理解客户需求并确定项目需求.
  • Improved my ability with background jobs, email deliverability, and sending SMS.
技术:SMS, Email, Ruby on Rails (RoR), AngularJS


2012 - 2013
  • Made the user’s experience and interaction work perfectly, as fast and efficiently as possible.
技术:骨干.js, JavaScript

Founder and CEO

2007 - 2012
  • Built everything from the front-end to the back-end and everything in between at the age of 17.
  • Developed a real-time communication and collaboration service where any team could work together as if they were in the same room. It was a production ready (with paying customers) video conference (for up to 15 participants!),包括协同文本编辑、屏幕共享和即时消息.
  • Observed and received feedback from about 20,000 users from more than 110 countries. 将最初的想法转化为商业产品, 我必须熟练地用几种不同的语言编写代码. 以及运用我的商业和用户体验技能.
Technologies: Video Livestreaming, Flash ActionScript, Redis, WebSockets, Node.js, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR)


2009 - 2010
  • 与主团队一起在敏捷环境中工作.
  • 帮他们制定了整个环球酒店的设计标准.网站和设计新的环球.Com home(2010年推出).
  • Contributed to the UX research team to create and run usability tests in the usability lab.
  • 设计并开发“estag”.com,” an internship program site still being used to acquire great talent for
  • Created design prototypes which helped co-workers to understand and test new concepts.
技术:JavaScript, UX设计

Interactive Video

In 2008, I made an interactive video in which you could build a list of ingredients for a juice by selecting them right inside the video.

因为视频是实时“编辑”的, the chef could make a juice with just the ingredients you selected (your custom recipe).

The whole experience was pretty smooth: it even had background music in sync and correct ingredient order. 正如人们所说,这段视频“既真实又神奇”."

This interactive video helped me land my first job at an advertising agency.
2007 - 2012


UFF (universsidade Federal Fluminense) - Niteroi,里约热内卢-巴西


jQuery, Ruby on Rails API, Facebook API, push, Backbone.js, Node.js, Sidekiq, Rollbar


GitHub, Git, Trello, Adobe Photoshop, Sublime Text 3, Wowza, RSpec, Sublime Text, Amazon Cognito


Ionic, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Bootstrap 3, Angular, Protractor


HTML5, Ruby, JavaScript, Flash ActionScript


UX Design, UI Design, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Scrum, 敏捷软件开发, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), 行为驱动发展(BDD), 测试驱动开发(TDD)


Solidus, Heroku, WordPress, Amazon Web Services (AWS), OS X, Meteor, Docker


PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis


Video Streaming, Audio Editing, 交互设计(IxD), Video Editing, Freelancing, Google素材设计, SMS, HTML Email, Digital Marketing, WebSockets, Video Livestreaming, Email



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